Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Pin Up Style

Even though I am currently living on a not so glamorous budget, and my priorities have basically destroyed any clothing shopping for several months now, I still enjoy window shopping! The new fascination with the 40s and 50s style incorporated into current trends piqued my interest completely and inspired this entry. The usual pin up style I of course, find sexy, but a pit over the top for every day wear for me.

If I had the curvy body type *coughmariacough* to pull something like this off... you bet I wouldn't hesitate! I would still like to incorporate certain elements of this though into my fashion... looking forward to my next spree so much!
This one on the left is definitely super sexy, but I think would be perfect for a dinner date!! Love the halter neck line and fun polka dots.

I absolutely crave this next one's subtle nautical theme! Instead of throwing anchors over a long sleeved white shirt like I have seen all too often, this carnival striped puffy skirt is soo fun!!! And the pockets! The pockets!! Eeeep hehe!

Those shoes are pretty much to die for (I love when they have that ankle bracelet clasp) and with the bright skirt and boyish denim jacket, its a perfect combo. I can't think of anything more perfect to wear for a fun night out. This is probably the most flirty out of them all.

Now for a more subdued and classic look, this simple dark dress paired with stockings that are so popular right now (and so functional in this weather!), the vintage cap hat that I have seen in almost all the antique malls but haven't snatched up, and the little ankle boots that I have also seen versions of in the shoe stores recently. I am so glad fashion has passed over the horrible 70s and 80s finally and returned to the more flattering styles of the 40s and 50s. I hope some of those elements stick with us in the future...

This outfit would be something to wear out during the day for errands or probably a day rambling about on my own I think. Or maybe on one of my many bus trips as suggested in the photo... I can bring Bowser along hehe.

These next two are ones that are most easily created shopping in current stores like Forever XXI, Charlotte Rousse, and any mall. These skirts are pretty much flattering on any human being lol, unless you are one stuck with more of a disproportionate midsection.

I think it takes confidence and attitude to really pull these off, but so much fun as well! Perfect for a late night date, or an evening out solo.

Finalement, a perfect look for your typical grinding day at the office or simply for achieving a more professional appearance with that splash of attitude. I think the pale blonde hair does it in this one... but I still love the outfit. Very easy to throw together, again.
Ooooo I want to go shopping and then out on the town hehe!! All of these looks are perfect for a day out antique shopping and book browsing as well... which would be my idea of a perfect saturday!
The inspiration just smells good Mmmm! Hehehe.



    awesome dresses that I am dying to try lol. Like you, I would love to have clothes in my budget.

    As it is, I have one pair of good jeans lol so that is definitely first on my list of things to buy. But summer will eventually return and hopefully i will have some money to get some dresses. :)

    Feel free to dress me up any time we get together lol. I like it. :)

    I really like the outfit with the blue jacket (not jean) but I would like a more strapless top. Unfortunately I think that the high waisted stuff makes me look short(er). lol Maybe not?

  2. I think generally that is true... especially since you say your waist line is literally right below you boobies hehe. But its always fun to try and experiment right?
