Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Potted Plants

Now that the flowers are being brought out in all the Nurseries and Lowes and such, I have had such fun browsing the aisles and picking out a collection for my potted garden. The first step will be to purchase these beautiful petunias for 2 hanging baskets. I might include some pure dark purple flowers with these as well just for more color variation, but we will see! These are definitely my favorite as far as color.

These ones are called “Grace ward” or lithoridaor. The plants grow a bit taller so I might not put them in my flower boxes but rather one of the large pots on the patio. They might work only if they tend to droop.

Below are Purple Drummond Phlox. These also grow a bit tall so again, possible a potted plant rather than my flower boxes. I love the pale purplish bluish color though!

Now I fell in love with Foxglove quite awhile ago, and even though it is a bit too cold for the flowers to be out once they are being sold I definitely plan on getting just a large full overflowing pot of these. I might do a mixed pot as well with these in the back, but we will see.

Finally a flower for my flower boxes! Simple white geraniums I think will compliment all the other colors extremely well.

These little Starbursts I jut thought looked super cute. I am not sure how to care for them yet so once I research that I can know if they would suit a potted plant garden well. They just seem very fun!

Finally, the hydrangeas. Ah. If only I had a huge yard to grow bushes and bushes of these. Absolutely beautiful. The exception is that you have to keep the soil slighly acidic to grow this color. Yay for ammonium sulfate, pine needles, or oak leaves hehe. I plan on growing one bush of them in my pot, and keeping up with the soil pH will be much easier when dealing with only one pot!

As it apparently snowed yet again this past Sunday, I am glad I didn't purchase all these prior to this past weekend. I think I will wait a bit longer to purchase the actual flowers to avoid any frost issues. I can at least get all the hanging pots and flower boxes set up though! And I need a couple of smallish patio chairs for lounging... Yay!

I heart the relaxing color scheme....


  1. "Ash, that isn't purple, it's blue"

    "Maria, take off your sunglasses."

    LOL!!! I like your color scheme, seeing all of it together in one post shows how well they go together!!!

    I wish you luck with the foxglove, I can't ever get them to stay for more that a week. Maybe my soil isn't very good. :)

    I hope it all works out!!!!

  2. Yeah... I still haven't found the actual flowers so we will see if that actually happens lol. I did get a bunch though a few days ago, and will post a blog with pics once this saturday is finally over with.

    My stress level has peaked today and I don't know if Ill be able to sleep well at all, even though I really want to be outside enjoying the beautiful sun and planting everything.

  3. Those flower choices are gorgeous. Hydrangeas are my favorite-- remember the green ones on the bridal party tables at my wedding? =)

    I hope your testing went well today!

  4. I totally do!! I have jsut recently discovered my love for them myself. I almost wish I was doing a violet, lilac, and periwinkle wedding just so I could have those flowers hehe. The ones I purchased are sooo beautiful and the perfect color!! I can't wait to post all the pics of everything potted and planted!

    That was my recovery sunday... reading, potting, and playing Animal Crossing on my wii lol.
