Monday, September 12, 2011

Etsy Shop: Halloween Set!!!

Although I had actually completed these about three weeks ago lol, I finally have a camera to capture the ultimate awesomeness of this set hehehe.

I made both sparkly glitter sets (mainly to satisfy my crazy obsession with glitter!) as well as solid glossy black.

Somehow, even though these designs are all meant in a light humerous way, the glossy version seems to be approaching sophistication somewhat more than the glitter ones lol.

I was thinking of doing a spider... but the web won out in the end.

 The progression of each of the designs was actually pretty fun! I think I ended up always liking my third sketch lol.

I like the crooked witches hat! I didn't realize is reminds me of the sorting hat in Harry Potter until later hehehe.

No, my own Sasha familiar was NOT the inspiration for this lol. Although she was an avid admirder hehehe!

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