Monday, September 14, 2009

Dark Cloud

The first game I have played since... 2007. Because of the constant pounding rain that finally let up this morning, I enjoyed an entire weekend of carefree gaming and coffee! Maybe some physics meshed into the mix, but I haven't pulled an allnighter like that in sooo long.

Fun game; I will probably buy the sequels as well and hopefully they only get better.

Yet another example of my inner nerd.


  1. I wish I could play video games. :) I just don't have any urge to play them. I like board games though. :)

  2. Me too of course! :P Its difficult to play them though alone unless you are schizophrenic... hehe. I didnt have the urge for such a long time either and then one day i was bored and decided to try one... and then of course I got hooked to it.
